Marty DeVreies

A native Californian, Marty has had an out-standing trapshooting career.

Marty first registered targets at the Sacramento Gun Club in 1969. He broke his first 100 in singles straight around 1970-71; first 100 in doubles in the ‘80s. Reached the 27 yard line in 1975; has received 175 punches from the 27.

Marty’s accomplishments:

Over 250,000 registered targets
Eleven years on the All Star Teams. First year – 1995

California State
HOA: Champion – 2002; sub-categories 2006-09
Doubles Class wins: 2007-08; sub-category win-2006
Handicap: Sub-category in 2006

PITA Grand Pacific
HAA sub-category – 2009
HOA: Champion 2002. Class win -2009
Handicap: Yardage win- 1998; sub-category win 2009
Doubles: Champion R-up – 1997

Number of out-of-state wins – Oregon, Idaho, and Washington.
Congratulations on your shooting accomplishments and welcome to the PITA Hall of Fame.